jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Dancing sultanas - Pasas bailarinas

This is what you need for this experiment.

*Jar (I used the large size)



*Baking soda


You will fill the jar about 2/3 full of water.

Next add in several "glugs" of vinegar.

Next add a few raisins.

Finally, comes several spoonfuls of baking soda. Add one at a time in case your experiments starts bubbling over. We had that happen to us.

Without stirring, wait and watch. The raisins will start to dance!

What you will see is the raisins starting to rise to the top of the jar, then falling back down. Ours had a slow start and then picked up as time went on. The raisins continued to dance for quite a while too! We loved watching this.

The explanation behind the experiment is that the vinegar is an acid and the baking soda a base. When the two combine they form carbon dioxide. This attaches to the skin of the raisins in the form of bubbles. When enough bubbles are on the raisin, it will rise to the top of the jar. There the bubbles pop, and the raisins sink again.

Esto es lo que necesitas:






Llena 3/4 de la jarra con agua.

Añade varios 'chorritos' de vinagre.

Unas cuantas pasas.

Varias cucharadas de bicarbonato, añadidas poco a poco para que no se desborde. A nosotros nos pasó.

Sin remover, espera y observa. Las pasas empezarán a bailar!

la explicación es que el ácido del vinagre reacciona con la base de bicarbonato formando dióxido de carbono. Éste se adhiere a la piel de las pasas en forma de burbujas y cuando hay suficientes hacen que asciendan, cuando las burbujas se petan, las pasas vuelven a bajar. A nosotros nos ha gustado observar estas reacciones!

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